Rejuvenation laser: restore the skin from the inside

Changes related to the aging of the skin of the face

What is the secret of the efficiency of the laser skin tightening? How it works and differs from the surgical? Why the method of thermolysis is recognized as the gold standard of anti-age cosmetology? Discover all the secrets of laser rejuvenation we help the presenter of the beautician.

Wrinkles: where do they come from?

The cells of our skin is constantly updated – the whole life cycle of the cells is about 4 weeks. During this time, the cell is born, will advance gradually from the depth of the skin to its surface, shrivel up and disappear. In seventy years in our body is replaced by about 850 generations of cells, and this process, at no time, is not updated. The skin cells do not age. Then why on the face appear all the wrinkles and folds?

What is the reason of aging?

  • The process of aging and drying of the skin occurs because of the slowdown of the core process of exchange and synthesis. As we got older, those who are "more lazy" to become our cells. They synthesize less of biologically active substances: hyaluronic acid, proteins, elastin, collagen, and reticulin, which are responsible for the elasticity and moisture of the skin.
  • Gradually the deficit is the structural fiber of the skin becomes more visible, as a result of our skin seems to be slower, more fragile and dry. Ask the question – is it possible to wake up our cells and again to make it work?

How to restore the functioning of cells?

There are various methods of recovery of the structure and the acceleration of metabolic processes. Trauma one of the most effective methods of stress effects on the skin, which is effective for stimulating these processes. To understand this process, it is enough to understand what happens in the recovery process of the skin at the site of injection. Imagine that You pricked your finger. In response to injury to the body immediately activates the recovery mode quick, to fix the wound. To do this, it launches enhanced the synthesis of collagen, which, essentially, consists of a connective tissue.

Our body is able to own means of solving the problem of wrinkles, The impact of the laser on the skinit is necessary what to push

By making a series of perforations over the entire surface of the skin, we will create a large number of centres of regeneration that will work on the restoration of microtrauma, and by the way, finding reserves of collagen and other proteins that make up the elastic of the skin of the carcass. It is the principle of action of many traditional methods of injection cosmetology (mesotherapy, biorevitalization etc)

You ask – and what is rejuvenation? Everything is very simple! It works on the same principle, except that instead of a needle thin high-temperature radius!

Restore the skin to the laser. How does the rejuvenation laser

The signal to start the regeneration process of the skin cells can be used, and the thermal influence. In the framework of the thermolysis the beam penetrates the skin to the desired depth and literally vaporizes the cells in a small square, creating a bitmap file of the burn. In response, the body initiates a process of disaster recovery.

The rejuvenation procedure laser

This laser procedure is performed under local anesthesia, more comfortable and safe for the patient. With its help, you can succeed to solve a number of tasks:

  • improve the firmness and tone of the skin;
  • rid the skin of wrinkles;
  • remove the veins and pigment spots;
  • eliminate acne scars (acne);
  • return the complexion.

For many years of world practice showed high efficacy of the methods of rejuvenation at the laser. Today, it is this procedure allows the gold standard of the efficiency with which are constantly trying to match other methods in the cosmetics and money!

The best laser – what is it?

The expert beauticians around the world acknowledge the CO2 laser the most effective and safe. Despite this, the space is constantly improving, there are all the new changes. In the clinical integrates the laser system is probably the most advanced existing today:

  • First of all, it helps reduce the duration of the procedure to a minimum.
  • Second, the procedure on him the minimum is painless.
  • And especially! It allows you to get fantastic results!

His patients, I would recommend, this is it!! Unlike many laser systems, it has flexible choices of mode. Thanks to this, you can adjust the intensity and depth of the impact of the rays taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and the face of a beautician task.

Especially that the procedure of rejuvenation at the laser on this device goes as quickly as possible and comfortable: the skin is treated in the sequences, therefore, for two neighbouring points not heat up at once, as this may cause burns. Such a treatment program called the Z-algorithm. It helps minimize the pain after the procedure, to exclude from the swelling and reduce the recovery period for 2-7 days (depending on the objectives of the procedure).

In planning the procedure of thermolysis it is necessary to remember that:

  • When selecting the device, you should prefer CO2 laser. The specialists of the clinics advised to use a system that has passed all the necessary tests and was able to prove its fantastic effectiveness!
  • After the procedure, you need the short rehabilitation and a minimum of care of the skin using special tools.
  • The rehabilitation process is painless, very clean and short (2 to 7 days).
  • The result of the thermolysis remarkable and long-term. The effect will be visible by week and will continue to increase for 3 to 6 months. If necessary, repeat the procedure.